
About five made a bright fixed star and a program to display a month, a planet from a star in python. You download following data file “seizaData” and you put it in the same directory and can carry it out. Fixed star and constellation line, star sign and the moon
planet (in the sun) are displayed in the celestial sphere of the stereo projection.
I obtained the fixed star data from https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/W3Browse/star-catalog/hipparcos.html, a constellation line and star sign data from “Astro Commons” http://astronomy.webcrow.jp/help/ .
You download following data file “seizaData” and you put it in the same directory and can carry it out.
- Star Chart Data → from this seizaData
I made the file (about 10MB) of the practice form. Even if Python3 is not installed, you can try it. Please download it from this. → Download StarChart Program
Star chart program by Python(Archaeoastronomy version)
2019.08.18 Ver1.0 Archaeoastronomy version1.2
2020.03.13 from Ver.2.0 Execute file form
# 2019.08.18 trial manufacture version is finished and upgrade 8/28 Ver.1.0
# 8/30 Archaeoastronomy version def insert def Batch() 8/31
# 9/11 add the calculation of the eclipse of the moon
# 2020.2 add GUIclass and change it without using it to calculate with numpy-modure
# 2020/03/27 version 2.4 display the photograph of the month age
import os
import tkinter as tk
import csv
import math
# Calculation to cure Julius day in the Gregorian calendar
def JDT(jd):
Z = int(jd + 0.5)
if Z >= 2299161:
a = int((Z - 1867216.25) / 36524.25)
A = Z + 1 + a - int(a / 4)
A = Z
B = A + 1524
C = int((B - 122.1) / 365.25)
K = int(365.25 * C)
E = int((B - K)/30.6001)
D = B - K - int(30.6001 * E) + (jd + 0.5) - int(jd + 0.5)
if E < 13.5:
M = E -1
M = E -13
if M > 2.5:
Y = C - 4716
Y = C - 4715
if M >= 13:
Y = Y + 1
M = M -12
if Y <= 0:
Y = Y -1
h = D - int(D)
D = int(D)
h = h*24
lh = round(long/15)
h = h +lh
if h >= 24.0:
h = h - 24
D = D + 1
if D >= 32:
D = D - 31
M = M + 1
if M >= 13:
Y = Y + 1
M = M - 12
h = round(h,1)
return [Y,M,D,h]
def koseji(jd,long): # Calculate sidereal time
B = jd - 2415020.0
R = 366.2422/365.2422
ST = 18.6461 + 24*B*R + 3.24e-14*B*B + long/15
ST = 24*(ST/24-int(ST/24))
if ST < 0:
ST = ST + 24
return ST
def yogen_AD(arfa,drta): # Calculation of the direction cosine
a = math.radians(arfa)
d = math.radians(drta)
L = math.cos(a) * math.cos(d)
M = math.cos(d) * math.sin(a)
N = math.sin(d)
return [L,M,N]
def horizon(ad): # to horizontal coordinate(ST;sideral time LAT;latitude ad; direction cosine)
sT = math.sin(math.radians(ST))
cT = math.cos(math.radians(ST))
sL = math.sin(math.radians(LAT))
cL = math.cos(math.radians(LAT))
L = sL*cT*ad[0] + sL*sT*ad[1] - cL*ad[2]
M = -sT*ad[0] + cT*ad[1]
N = cL*cT*ad[0] + cL*sT*ad[1] + sL*ad[2]
if L == 0:
L = 0.01
h = math.asin(N)
h = math.degrees(h)
A = math.atan(-M/L)
A = math.degrees(A)
if L < 0. :
A = A + 180.
return [h,A]
def proper_move(RA,DC,V1,V2): # proper move
T = Cent - 1
RA = RA + V1*T/3600000/math.cos(math.radians(DC))
DC = DC + V2*T/3600000
return [RA , DC]
def saisa_hosei(ad): # Precession revision
t = Cent - 1
f = 0.640616 * t + 0.0000839* t*t + 0.000005*t**3
z = 0.640616 * t + 0.000304 * t*t + 0.00000506*t**3
s = 0.556753 * t - 0.000119 * t*t - 0.0000116*t**3
sF = math.sin(math.radians(f))
cF = math.cos(math.radians(f))
sZ = math.sin(math.radians(z))
cZ = math.cos(math.radians(z))
sS = math.sin(math.radians(s))
cS = math.cos(math.radians(s))
L = (sZ*sF + cZ*cS*cF)*ad[0] + (sZ*cF - cZ*cS*sF)*ad[1] - cZ*sS*ad[2]
M = (cZ*sF - sZ*cS*cF)*ad[0] + (cZ*cF + sZ*cS*sF)*ad[1] + sZ*sS*ad[2]
N = sS*cF*ad[0] - sS*sF*ad[1] + cS*ad[2]
return [L, M, N]
def dispXY(hh, AA):
dot = 580 # Parameter of display central coordinate(600,450)
r = dot * math.sin(math.radians((90-hh)/2))
x = r * math.sin(math.radians(AA)) + 600
y = r * math.cos(math.radians(AA)) + 450
return [x, y]
# Positon of Solar
def solar_Pos():
sml = 280.6824 + 36000.769325 * Cent + 7.22222e-04*Cent*Cent
sml = 360*(sml/360 - int(sml/360))
if sml < 0:
sml = sml + 360 # Mean longitude
sec = 0.0167498 - 4.258e-5*Cent - 1.37e-7*Cent*Cent # eccentricity
spl = 281.2206 + 1.717697*Cent + 4.83333e-4*Cent*Cent + 2.77777e-6*Cent*Cent*Cent
spl = 360*(spl/360 -int(spl/360))
if spl < 0:
spl = spl + 360 # Perihelion celestial longitude
sma = sml - spl
if sma < 0:
sma = sma + 360
sma = math.radians(sma) # mean anomaly
smpg = 1.91946 * math.sin(sma) + 2.00939e-2*math.sin(2*sma) \
- 4.78889e-3*math.sin(sma)*Cent - 1.44444e-5*math.sin(sma)*Cent*Cent
sl = sml + smpg # solar longitude
sta = sl -spl # true anomaly
if sta < 0:
sta = sta + 360
sax = 1.00000129 # semi-major axis of the ellipse
srr = sax*(1 - sec*sec)/(1 + sec*math.cos(math.radians(sta))) # Distance between the earth sun
ss = 0.2666/srr # visual radius
sx = srr*(math.cos(math.radians(sl)))
sy = srr*(math.sin(math.radians(sl)))
sz = 0
return [srr,sx,sy,sz,sl,ss]
# orbital element of the mercury
def Mercury(C):
ml = 182.27175 + 149474.07244*C + 2.01944e-3*C*C # mean longitude
if ml > 360:
ml = 360*(ml/360 - int(ml/360))
pnl = 75.89717 + 1.553469*C + 3.08639e-4*C*C # perihelion longitude
omg = 47.144736 + 1.18476*C + 2.23194e-4*C*C # up-down point Ω
inc = 7.003014 + 1.73833e-3*C - 1.55555e-5*C*C # orbit inclination
ec = 0.20561494 + 0.0203e-3*C - 0.04e-6*C*C # eccentricity
ax = 0.3870984 # orbit semimajor axis
return [ml,pnl,omg,inc,ec,ax]
#orbital element of venus
def Venus(C):
ml = 344.36936 + 58519.2126*C + 9.8055e-4*C*C
if ml > 360:
ml = 360*(ml/360 - int(ml/360))
pnl = 130.14057 + 1.3723*C - 1.6472e-3*C*C
omg = 75.7881 + 0.91403*C + 4.189e-4*C*C
inc = 3.3936 + 1.2522e-3*C - 4.333e-6*C*C
ec = 0.00681636 - 0.5384e-4*C + 0.126e-6*C*C
ax = 0.72333015
return [ml,pnl,omg,inc,ec,ax]
# orbital element of mars
def Mars(C):
ml = 294.26478 + 19141.69625*C + 3.15028e-4*C*C
if ml > 360:
ml = 360*(ml/360 - int(ml/360))
pnl = 334.21833 + 1.840394*C + 3.35917e-4*C*C
omg = 48.78670 + 0.776944*C - 6.02778e-4*C*C
inc = 1.85030 - 6.49028e-4*C + 2.625e-5*C*C
ec = 0.0933088 + 0.095284e-3*C - 0.122e-6*C*C
ax = 1.5236781
return [ml,pnl,omg,inc,ec,ax]
# orbital element of Jupiter
def Jupiter(C,Y,JD):
ml = 238.132386 + 3036.301986*C + 3.34683e-4*C*C - 1.64889e-6*C**3
if ml > 360:
ml = 360*(ml/360 - int(ml/360))
T = Y/1000
A = 0.42 - 0.075*T + 0.015*T*T - 0.003*T**3
L7 = A*math.sin(math.radians((T-0.62)*360/0.925))
eta = 86.1 + 0.033459*(JD - 1721057)
eta = 360*(eta/360 - int(eta/360))
if eta < 0:
eta = eta + 360
zeta = 89.1 + 0.04963*(JD - 1721057)
zeta = 360*(zeta/360-int(zeta/360))
if zeta < 0:
zeta = zeta +360
#print("eta = ",eta," zeta = ",zeta)
#L8 = input("input> L8 =")
L8 = -.02#float(L8)
ml = ml + L7 + L8
pnl = 12.720972 + 1.6099617*C + 1.05627e-3*C*C - 3.4333e-6*C**3
pnl = 360*(pnl/360 - int(pnl/360))
if pnl < 0:
pnl = pnl + 360
PS7 = 0.02*math.sin(math.radians((T + 0.1)*360/0.925))
#print(" input> PS8 ")
#PS8 = input("=")
PS8 = .0#float(PS8)
PH = 2.58 + 0.1*T
pnl = pnl + (PS7 + PS8)/math.sin(math.radians(PH))
ec = 0.0483348 + 0.16418e-3*C - 0.4676e-6*C*C - 1.7e-9*C**3
PH7 = 0.03*math.sin(math.radians((T + 0.36)*360/0.925))
# print(" input> PH8 ")
# PH8 = input("=")
PH8 = .4 # float(PH8)
ec = math.sin(math.radians(PH + PH7 + PH8))
omg = 99.443414 + 1.01053*C + 3.52222e-4*C*C - 8.351111e-6*C**3
inc = 1.308736 - 5.69611e-3*C + 3.88889e-6*C*C
ax = 5.202805
return [ml,pnl,omg,inc,ec,ax]
# orbital element of saturn
def Saturn(C,Y,JD):
ax = 9.554747
ml = 266.597875 + 1223.50988*C + 3.24542e-4*C*C - 5.83333e-7*C**3
if ml > 360:
ml = 360*(ml/360 - int(ml/360))
T = Y/1000
A = 0.88 - 0.0633*T + 0.03*T*T - 0.006*T**3
L7 = -0.5 + A*math.sin(math.radians((T-0.145)*360/0.95))
# L8 = input("input> L8=")
L8 = .3 # float(L8)
ml = ml + L7 + L8
pnl = 91.09821 + 1.958416*C + 8.26361e-4*C*C + 4.61111e-6*C**3
pnl = 360*(pnl/360 - int(pnl/360))
if pnl < 0:
pnl = pnl + 360
B = 0.1 - 0.005*T
PS7 = -0.5 + B*math.sin(math.radians((T - 0.54)*360/0.95))
# print(" input> PS8 ")
# PS8 = input("=")
PS8 = .4 # float(PS8)
PH = 3.56 + 0.175*T - 0.005*T*T
pnl = pnl + (PS7 + PS8)/math.sin(math.radians(PH))
ec = 0.05589231 - 3.455e-4*C - 7.28e-7*C*C + 7.4e-10*C**3
F = 0.1 -0.005*T
PH7 = -0.5 + F*math.sin(math.radians((T - 0.32)*360/0.95))
# print(" input> PH8 ")
# PH8 = input("=")
PH8 = .5 # float(PH8)
ec = math.sin(math.radians(PH + PH7 + PH8))
G = 0.004 - 0.0005*T
AX7 = -0.05 + G*math.sin(math.radians((T - 0.35)*360/0.95))
# print(" input> AX8 ")
# AX8 = input("=")
AX8 = .04 # float(AX8)
ax = ax + AX7 + AX8
omg = 112.790414 + 0.873195*C - 1.52181e-4*C*C - 5.30555e-6*C**3
inc = 2.49252 - 3.91889e-3*C - 1.54889e-5*C*C + 4.44444e-8*C**3
return [ml,pnl,omg,inc,ec,ax]
def pl_position(el): # Calculaation of planet position
ml = el[0] ; pnl=el[1] ; omg=el[2] ; inc=el[3] ; ec=el[4] ; ax=el[5]
ma = ml -pnl # Mean Anomaly
ma = 360*(ma/360 - int(ma/360))
if ma < 0:
ma = ma + 360
# print(" ma=",ma)
mar = math.radians(ma)
mpg = (2*ec-(ec*ec*ec)/4)*math.sin(mar) + 1.25*math.sin(2*mar)*ec*ec \
+ (13/12)*math.sin(3*mar)*ec**3
mpg = math.degrees(mpg)
# print(" ml=",ml)
ta = ma + mpg # Ture Anomaly
uu = ta + pnl - omg
if uu < 0:
uu = uu + 360
aa = math.cos(math.radians(inc))*math.tan(math.radians(uu))
cc = math.atan(aa)
cc = math.degrees(cc)
if uu > 90 and uu < 270:
cc = cc + 180
if uu > 270:
cc = cc + 360
bb = math.tan(math.radians(inc))*math.sin(math.radians(cc))
ll = cc + omg # heliocentric longitude
if ll > 360:
ll = ll - 360
# print(" ll =",ll)
tb = math.atan(bb)
tb = math.degrees(tb) # heliocentric latitude
rr = ax*(1 - ec*ec)/(1 + ec*math.cos(math.radians(ta))) # radius vector
xx = rr*(math.cos(math.radians(uu))*math.cos(math.radians(omg))
- math.sin(math.radians(uu))*math.sin(math.radians(omg))*math.cos(math.radians(inc)))
yy = rr*(math.cos(math.radians(uu))*math.sin(math.radians(omg))
+ math.sin(math.radians(uu))*math.cos(math.radians(omg))*math.cos(math.radians(inc)))
zz = rr*(math.sin(math.radians(uu))*math.sin(math.radians(inc)))
# tt = math.sqrt(xx**2 + yy**2 + zz**2) # distance between planet sun
# print(" rr=",rr)
return [rr,xx,yy,zz,ll,tb]
def sekido(): # display equator ecliptic
sekiR = [0.0]*182
A = [0.0]*182
hh = [0.0]*182
xl = [0.0]*182
yl = [0.0]*182
sekiD = [0.0]*182
kodoD = [0.0]*182
for i in range(0,181):
sekiR[i] = i*2
sekiD[i] = 0
kodoD[i] = 23.4392*math.sin(math.radians(i*2))
n = 0
for i in range(182):
ad = yogen_AD(sekiR[i],sekiD[i])
h = horizon(ad)
if h[0] < 0.2:
hh[n],A[n] = h
n += 1
for i in range(n):
xy= dispXY(hh[i],A[i])
xl[i] ,yl[i]= xy
for i in range(n-1):
if xl[i+1] - xl[i] > 50:
app.co_line(xl[i], yl[i], xl[i+1], yl[i+1], '#710071')
n = 0
for i in range(182):
ad = yogen_AD(sekiR[i], kodoD[i])
# ad = saisa_hosei(ad)
h = horizon(ad)
if h[0] < 0.2:
hh[n],A[n] = h
n += 1
for i in range(n):
xy= dispXY(hh[i],A[i])
xl[i] ,yl[i] = xy
for i in range(n-1):
if xl[i+1] - xl[i] > 50 :
app.co_line(xl[i], yl[i], xl[i+1], yl[i+1], '#969600')
def star_color(CL): # star color CL:color index
if CL < -0.16:
c = "#a09eff"
elif CL < 0.15:
c = "#a0d7ff"
elif CL < 0.45:
c = "#d7e8ff"
elif CL < 0.68:
c = "#ffffff"
elif CL < 1.15:
c = "#ffffdc"
elif CL < 1.6:
c = "#ffe6aa"
c = "#ffd7b1"
return c
def magnitude(m): # to star size from magnitude
if m < 0.0:
rd = 7
elif m < 1.0:
rd = 6
elif m < 2.0:
rd = 5
elif m < 3.0:
rd = 4
elif m < 4.0:
rd = 3
rd = 2
return rd
class Conline: # class constellation line
def __init__(self):
self.lcnum = 0
self.linRas = 0
self.linDcs = 0
self.linV1s = 0
self.linV2s = 0
self.linRae = 0
self.linDce = 0
self.linV1e = 0
self.linV2e = 0
class Star:
def __init__(self):
self.stnum = 0
self.stV1 = 0
self.stV2 = 0
self.stRA = 0
self.stDC = 0
self.stMg = 0
self.stCL = 0
class Constelation:
def __init__(self):
self.con_name = ""
self.con_Ra = 0
self.con_Dc = 0
class Planetarium:
# variable of planet
ex = [0.0]*5
ey = [0.0]*5
ez = [0.0]*5
xq = [0.0]*5
yq = [0.0]*5
zq = [0.0]*5
dd = [0.0]*5
lam = [0.0]*5
bet = [0.0]*5
ii = [0.0]*5
R = [0.0]*5
pmag = [0.0] * 5
pl_RA = [0.0] * 5
pl_DC = [0.0] * 5
ph = [0.0] * 5
pA = [0.0] * 5
pname = [''] * 5
pelm = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * 5
xp = [0.0] * 5
yp = [0.0] * 5
br = [0.0] * 5
xyz = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * 5
plane_counter = 0
# variable of star
XX = [0.0] * 1000
YY = [0.0] * 1000
hh = [0.0] * 1000
AA = [0.0] * 1000
MG = [0.0] * 1000
CLs = [0.0] * 1000
rd = [0] * 1000
hLs = [0.0] * 500
hLe = [0.0] * 500
ALs = [0.0] * 500
ALe = [0.0] * 500
x1 = [0.0] * 500
y1 = [0.0] * 500
x2 = [0.0] * 500
y2 = [0.0] * 500
nh = [0.0] * 60
nA = [0.0] * 60
xn = [0.0] * 60
yn = [0.0] * 60
coname = [""] * 60
star_counter = 0
line_counter = 0
con_counter = 0
def __init__(self):
# list of star and constellation line
self.star_list = list()
self.conline_list = list()
self.conste_list = list()
for i in range(1263):
for i in range(673):
for i in range(89):
# Reading of Data
with open("starData1263.csv", "r") as f: # star data
stDATA = csv.reader(f, delimiter=",")
i = 0
for row in stDATA:
self.star_list[i].stnum = int(row[4]) #No.
self.star_list[i].stV1 = float(row[1]) # proper move RA
self.star_list[i].stV2 = float(row[2]) # p.m. DC
self.star_list[i].stRA = float(row[6]) # equatorial longitude
self.star_list[i].stDC = float(row[7]) # equatorial latitude
self.star_list[i].stMg = float(row[5]) # magnitude
self.star_list[i].stCL = float(row[8]) # color ID
i += 1
with open("cons_lineData.csv", "r") as f: #constelltion line data
i = 0
for row in szL:
self.conline_list[i].lcnum = str(row[0]) #const code
self.conline_list[i].linRas = float(row[1]) # start
self.conline_list[i].linDcs = float(row[2])
self.conline_list[i].linV1s = float(row[3])
self.conline_list[i].linV2s = float(row[4])
self.conline_list[i].linRae = float(row[5]) # end
self.conline_list[i].linDce = float(row[6])
self.conline_list[i].linV1e = float(row[7])
self.conline_list[i].linV2e = float(row[8])
i += 1
with open("cons_enameData.csv", "r") as f: # name file
i = 0
for row in szM:
self.conste_list[i].con_name = str(row[0]) # cons. name
self.conste_list[i].con_Ra = float(int(row[1])*15+int(row[2])*0.25)
self.conste_list[i].con_Dc = float(row[3])
i += 1
def star_culc(self): # method of star display
for lin in self.conline_list: # collection proper move
ads = proper_move(lin.linRas,lin.linDcs,lin.linV1s,lin.linV2s)
lin.linRas = ads[0]
lin.linDcs = ads[1]
ade = proper_move(lin.linRae,lin.linDce,lin.linV1e,lin.linV2e)
lin.linRae = ade[0]
lin.linDce = ade[1]
m = 0 # horizontal coordinate
for line in self.conline_list:
ad = yogen_AD(line.linRas,line.linDcs)
ad = saisa_hosei(ad)
hs = horizon(ad)
if hs[0] < 0.0:
ad = yogen_AD(line.linRae,line.linDce)
ad = saisa_hosei(ad)
he = horizon(ad)
if he[0] < 0.0:
self.hLs[m],self.ALs[m] = hs
self.hLe[m],self.ALe[m] = he
m += 1
self.line_counter = m
i = 0
for i in range( self.line_counter): # coordinate of display console
xy= dispXY(self.hLs[i],self.ALs[i])
self.x1[i] ,self.y1[i] = xy
xy= dispXY(self.hLe[i],self.ALe[i])
self.x2[i] ,self.y2[i] = xy
for star in self.star_list: # correction of proper move
ad = proper_move(star.stRA,star.stDC,star.stV1,star.stV2)
star.stRA = ad[0]
star.stDC = ad[1]
n = 0 # Calc. horizontal coordinate
for star in self.star_list:
ad = yogen_AD(star.stRA,star.stDC)
ad = saisa_hosei(ad)
h = horizon(ad)
if h[0] < 0.0:
self.hh[n],self.AA[n] = h
self.MG[n] = star.stMg
self.CLs[n] = star.stCL
n += 1
self.star_counter = n
for i in range(self.star_counter):
xy= dispXY(self.hh[i],self.AA[i])
self.XX[i] ,self.YY[i] = xy
n = 0 # cons. name
for c in self.conste_list:
ad = yogen_AD(c.con_Ra,c.con_Dc)
ad = saisa_hosei(ad)
h = horizon(ad)
if h[0] < 0.0:
self.nh[n] ,self.nA[n] = h
self.coname[n] = c.con_name
n += 1
self.con_counter = n
for i in range(self.con_counter):
xy= dispXY(self.nh[i],self.nA[i])
self.xn[i] ,self.yn[i] = xy
def star_display(self):
# draw con. line
for i in range( self.line_counter):
app.co_line(self.x1[i], self.y1[i], self.x2[i], self.y2[i], 'blue')
# plot star
for i in range(self.star_counter):
self.rd[i] = magnitude(self.MG[i])
color = star_color(self.CLs[i])
app.point_star(self.XX[i], self.YY[i], self.rd[i]/2, color)
#disp. con. name
for i in range(self.con_counter):
app.text_in(self.xn[i], self.yn[i], self.coname[i], 'red')
def coordinate_Planet(self): # Calc. position of planet
sxyz = solar_Pos()
sx = sxyz[1] ; sy = sxyz[2] ; sz = sxyz[3] ; srr = sxyz[0] ; sl = sxyz[4]
T = (YY - 1900)/100
obl = 23.4523 - 1.30125e-2*T # obliquity of the ecliptic
cos = math.cos(math.radians(obl))
sin = math.sin(math.radians(obl))
for ip in range(5):
if ip == 0:
self.pelm[0] = Mercury(Cent)
self.pname[0] ="Mercury"
if ip == 1:
self.pelm[1] = Venus(Cent)
self.pname[1] ="Venus"
if ip == 2:
self.pelm[2] = Mars(Cent)
self.pname[2] ="Mars"
if ip == 3:
self.pelm[3] = Jupiter(Cent,YY,JD)
self.pname[3] ="Jupiter"
if ip == 4:
self.pelm[4] = Saturn(Cent,YY,JD)
self.pname[4] ="Saturn"
self.xyz = pl_position(self.pelm[ip])
self.ex[ip] = self.xyz[1] + sx # convert into the ecliptic earth's center coordinate
self.ey[ip] = self.xyz[2] + sy
self.ez[ip] = self.xyz[3] + sz
self.dd[ip] = math.sqrt(self.ex[ip]**2 + self.ey[ip]**2 + self.ez[ip]**2) # distance between earth planet
# convert into the equator earth's center coordinate
self.xq[ip] = self.ex[ip]
self.yq[ip] = self.ey[ip]*cos - self.ez[ip]*sin
self.zq[ip] = self.ey[ip]*sin + self.ez[ip]*cos
self.R[ip] = math.sqrt(self.xq[ip]**2 + self.yq[ip]**2 + self.zq[ip]**2)
self.pl_RA[ip] = math.degrees(math.atan(self.yq[ip] / self.xq[ip]))
if self.xq[ip] <= 0.0:
self.pl_RA[ip] = self.pl_RA[ip] + 180
self.pl_DC[ip] = math.degrees(math.asin(self.zq[ip] / self.R[ip]))
# phase angle
self.lam[ip] = self.ey[ip] / self.ex[ip]
self.bet[ip] = self.ez[ip] / self.dd[ip]
self.bet[ip] = math.asin(self.bet[ip])
self.bet[ip] = math.degrees(self.bet[ip]) # longitude
self.lam[ip] = math.atan(self.lam[ip])
self.lam[ip] = math.degrees(self.lam[ip]) # latitude
if self.ex[ip] < 0:
self.lam[ip] = self.lam[ip] + 180
if self.ex[ip] > 0 and self.ey[ip] < 0:
self.lam[ip] = self.lam[ip] + 360
# print("lam = ",self.lam[ip]," bet= ",self.bet[ip])
# elo = self.lam[ip] - sl # Separation with the sun
# print(" elo=",elo)
hl = self.xyz[4] - sl
if hl < -180:
hl = hl + 360
d2 = math.sqrt(self.xyz[0]**2 + srr**2 + 2*self.xyz[0]*srr*math.cos(math.radians(hl)))
# print("d2=",d2," rr=",xyz[0])
self.ii[ip] = (self.xyz[0]**2 + d2*d2 - srr**2)/(2*self.xyz[0]*d2)
self.ii[ip] = math.acos(self.ii[ip])
self.ii[ip] = math.degrees(self.ii[ip]) # moon phase
if self.ii[ip] < 0:
self.ii[ip] = self.ii[ip] + 180
# 惑星の明るさ(光度)
if ip == 0:
self.br[ip] = 1.16 + 5*math.log10(self.xyz[0]*d2) + 0.02838*abs(self.ii[ip]-50) + 1.023e-4*abs((self.ii[ip]-50)**2)
if ip == 1:
self.br[ip] = -4 + 5*math.log10(self.xyz[0]*d2) + 0.01322*abs(self.ii[ip]) + 0.4247e-6*abs(self.ii[ip]**3)
if ip == 2:
self.br[ip] = -1.3 + 5*math.log10(self.xyz[0]*d2) + 0.01486*abs(self.ii[ip])
if ip == 3:
self.br[ip] = -8.93 + 5*math.log10(self.xyz[0]*d2)
if ip == 4:
self.br[ip] = -8.68 + 5*math.log10(self.xyz[0]*d2)
# print(" hl=",hl," ii =",self.ii[ip]," br=",self.br[ip])
self.plane_counter = 0 # Calc. horizontal coordinate of planet
for i in range(5):
ad = yogen_AD(self.pl_RA[i],self.pl_DC[i])
h = horizon(ad)
if h[0] < 0.0 :
self.ph[self.plane_counter], self.pA[self.plane_counter] = h
self.pname[self.plane_counter] = self. pname[i]
self.br[self.plane_counter] = self.br[i]
self.plane_counter += 1
for i in range(self.plane_counter):
self.xy= dispXY(self.ph[i],self.pA[i])
self.xp[i], self.yp[i] = self.xy
def planet_display(self):
# display of planet
for i in range(self.plane_counter):
self.br[i] = magnitude(self.br[i])
self.br[i] = self.br[i]/2
app.point_star(self.xp[i], self.yp[i], self.br[i], "yellow")
app.text_in(self.xp[i]-10,self.yp[i]-8, self.pname[i], 'white')
def solar_display(self):
# solar disp.
sxyz = solar_Pos()
sx = sxyz[1] ; sy = sxyz[2]; sz = sxyz[3]; srr = sxyz[0]; ss = sxyz[5]
ss = int(ss * 25) # size on display
obl = 23.4523 - 1.30125e-2*Cent # obliquity of the ecliptic
cos = math.cos(math.radians(obl))
sin = math.sin(math.radians(obl))
xq = sx
yq = sy * cos - sz * sin
zq = sy * sin + sz * cos
sun_R = math.sqrt(xq**2 + yq**2 + zq**2)
sun_RA = math.degrees(math.atan(yq / xq))
if xq < 0.0:
sun_RA = sun_RA + 180
sun_DC = math.degrees(math.asin(zq / sun_R))
ad = yogen_AD(sun_RA,sun_DC)
# ad = saisa_hosei(ad)
h = horizon(ad)
if h[0] > 0.0 :
xy= dispXY(h[0],h[1])
app.point_star(xy[0], xy[1], ss, 'white')
app.text_in(xy[0]-8,xy[1]-12, "Solar", 'white')
def luna_display(self): # display and draw the moon
# print("Luna")
J = (JD -2378496)/36525 # Epoch A.D.1800 I 0.5 UT
ml = 335.723436 + 481267.887361*J + 3.38888e-3*J*J + 1.83333e-6*J**3 # mean longitude
ml = 360*(ml/360 - int(ml/360))
if ml < 0:
ml = ml + 360
# 摂動補正
AA = 1.2949 + 413335.4078*J -7.2201e-3*J*J - 7.2305e-6*J**3
AA = 360*(AA/360 - int(AA/360))
BB = 111.6209 + 890534.2514*J + 6.9838e-3*J*J + 6.9778e-6*J**3
BB = 360*(BB/360 - int(BB/360))
CC = 180.40885 + 35999.0552*J -0.0001988*J*J
CC = 360*(CC/360 - int(CC/360))
DD = 0.88605 + 377336.3526*J - 7.0213e-3*J*J - 7.2305e-6*J**3
DD = 360*(DD/360 - int(DD/360))
EE = 111.21205 + 854535.1962*J + 7.1826e-3*J*J + 6.9778e-6*J**3
EE = 360*(EE/360 - int(EE/360))
HH = 169.1706 + 407332.2103*J + 5.3354e-3*J*J + 5.3292e-6*J**3
HH = 360*(HH/360 - int(HH/360))
A0 = 1.2408*math.sin(math.radians(AA))
B0 = 0.5958*math.sin(math.radians(BB))
C0 = 0.1828*math.sin(math.radians(CC))
D0 = 0.055*math.sin(math.radians(DD))
E0 = 0.0431*math.sin(math.radians(EE))
H0 = 0.1453*math.sin(math.radians(HH))
st = A0 + B0 + C0 + D0 + E0
ml = ml + st
pnl = 225.397325 + 4069.053805*J - 1.02869e-2*J*J - 1.22222e-5*J**3 # perihelion longitude
pnl = 360*(pnl/360 - int(pnl/360))
ma = ml - pnl
ec = 0.05490897 # eccentricity
ma = math.radians(ma)
EX = ma
SS = EX - ec*math.sin(EX) - ma
# kepplar equation
while abs(SS) > 1.0e-8:
DE = SS/(1 - ec*math.cos(EX))
EX = EX - DE
SS = EX - ec*math.sin(EX) - ma
TT = math.sqrt((1 + ec)/(1 - ec))*math.tan(EX/2)
TA = 2*math.atan(TT)
TA = math.degrees(TA)
if TA < 0:
TA = TA +360
omg = 33.272936 - 1934.144694*J + 2.08028e-3*J*J + 2.08333e-6*J**3 # Ω
omg = 360*(omg/360 - int(omg/360))
if omg < 0:
omg = omg + 360
uu = pnl - omg + TA
uu = 360*(uu/360 - int(uu/360))
inc = 5.144433 # orbit inclination
JJ = math.cos(math.radians(inc))*math.tan(math.radians(uu))
MM = math.atan(JJ)
MM = math.degrees(MM)
if math.cos(math.radians(uu)) < 0:
MM = MM + 180
MM = 360*(MM/360 - int(MM/360))
lam = MM + omg
lam = 360*(lam/360 - int(lam/360))
BE = math.tan(math.radians(inc))*math.sin(math.radians(MM))
tb = math.atan(BE)
tb = math.degrees(tb)
tb = tb + H0 # lam tb :
lst = koseji(JD,long)
lst = lst*15
ax = 60.2682
RR = ax*(1 - ec*math.cos(EX))
G = 1/RR/.99
PI = math.asin(G)
PI = math.degrees(PI) #
obl = 23.4523 - 0.013*Cent -1.6388e-6*Cent*Cent
A = math.cos(math.radians(obl))*math.cos(math.radians(LAT))*math.sin(math.radians(lst)) \
+ math.sin(math.radians(obl))*math.sin(math.radians(LAT))
B = math.cos(math.radians(LAT))*math.cos(math.radians(lst))
L = math.atan(A/B)
L = math.degrees(L)
if A < 0 and B < 0 :
L = L + 180
if A < 0 and B > 0:
L = L +360
if A > 0 and B < 0:
L = L + 180
JJ = - math.sin(math.radians(obl))*math.cos(math.radians(LAT))*math.sin(math.radians(lst))\
+ math.cos(math.radians(obl))*math.sin(math.radians(LAT))
B = math.asin(JJ)
B = math.degrees(B) # Observation parallax component
# Calculation parallax component
PP = math.sin(math.radians(PI))*math.cos(math.radians(B))*math.sin(math.radians(L - lam))\
lam1 = math.asin(PP)
lam1 = -math.degrees(lam1)
GG = math.tan(math.radians(B))/math.cos(math.radians(L - lam))
GA1 = math.atan(GG)
GA1 = math.degrees(GA1)
QQ = math.sin(math.radians(PI))*math.sin(math.radians(B))*math.sin(math.radians(GA1-tb))\
tb1 = -math.asin(QQ)
tb1 = math.degrees(tb1)
lam2 = lam + lam1
tb2 = tb + tb1
obl = 23.452 - 1.30125e-2*Cent
s = math.cos(math.radians(obl))*math.sin(math.radians(tb2)) + math.sin(math.radians(obl))*math.cos(math.radians(tb2))*math.sin(math.radians(lam2))
luna_DC = math.asin(s)
luna_DC = math.degrees(luna_DC)
A = -math.sin(math.radians(obl))*math.sin(math.radians(tb2)) + math.cos(math.radians(obl))*math.cos(math.radians(tb2))*math.sin(math.radians(lam2))
B = math.cos(math.radians(tb2))*math.cos(math.radians(lam2))
luna_RA = math.atan(A/B)
luna_RA = math.degrees(luna_RA)
if A > 0 and B < 0 :
luna_RA = luna_RA + 180
if A < 0 and B > 0:
luna_RA = luna_RA + 360
if A < 0 and B < 0:
luna_RA = luna_RA + 180
# visual radius
K = 0.2725*G
ms = math.asin(K)
ms = math.degrees(ms)
ms = int(ms*25)
# Moon's phase
solar = solar_Pos()
mp = lam2 - solar[4]
mp = 360*(mp/360 - int(mp/360))
if mp < 0:
mp = mp + 360
# Earth's shadow
moo = lam - solar[4] - 180
if moo < 0:
moo = moo + 360
bke = 1 / (60.2682*(1 - ec*math.cos(EX)))
bke = math.degrees(bke)
bae = 2.443e-3 / solar[0]
kem = bke - solar[5] + bae
kem = int(1.02 * 12 * kem) # earth shadow (display)
sx = solar[1] ; sy = solar[2] ; sz = solar[3]
cos = math.cos(math.radians(obl))
sin = math.sin(math.radians(obl))
xq = sx
yq = sy * cos - sz * sin
zq = sy * sin + sz * cos
sun_R = math.sqrt(xq**2 + yq**2 + zq**2)
sun_RA = math.degrees(math.atan(yq / xq))
if xq < 0.0:
sun_RA = sun_RA + 180
sun_DC = math.degrees(math.asin(zq / sun_R))
sdRA = sun_RA + 180
if sdRA >360:
sdRA = sdRA - 360
sdDC = - sun_DC
ad = yogen_AD(sdRA,sdDC) # display shadow
h = horizon(ad)
if h[0] > 0.0 :
xy= dispXY(h[0],h[1])
app.point_eclip(xy[0], xy[1], kem, 'green')
app.text_in(xy[0]-20, xy[1]-20, "shadow", 'gray')
# display moon
ad = yogen_AD(luna_RA,luna_DC)
h = horizon(ad)
if h[0] > 0.0 :
xy= dispXY(h[0],h[1])
app.point_star(xy[0], xy[1], ms, 'gray')
app.text_in(xy[0]-8, xy[1]-12, "Moon", 'white')
# print(" mooon age = ",round(mp*0.082,1))
return round(mp*0.082,1)
class Time:
def __init__(self,Y,D,lo):
self.Ydate = Y
self.Dtime = D
self.LAT = 36.4
self.JD = 0
self.ST = 0
self.Cent = 0
self.YY = 0
self.long = lo
def Julian(self): # Calc. Julian day
self.JD = 0
if self.Ydate != abs(self.Ydate):
SP1 = -1
self.Ydate = abs(self.Ydate)
SP1 = 1
self.YY = int(self.Ydate/10000)
MD = int(self.Ydate-10000*self.YY)
MM = int(MD/100)
DD = MD - 100 * MM
HH = int(self.Dtime/100)
MS = self.Dtime-100*HH
if SP1 < 0:
self.YY = self.YY * SP1 # +1 BC.1 = 0 year
SP2 = self.YY + (MM-1)/12 + DD/365.25
if MM <= 2 :
MM = MM + 12
self.YY = self.YY - 1
if self.YY < 0:
self.JD = math.floor(365.25*self.YY) + int(30.59*(MM-2)) + DD - self.long/360 + 1721086.5
self.JD = int(365.25*self.YY) + int(30.59*(MM-2)) + DD - self.long/360 + 1721086.5
if SP2 > 1582.78: # after Gregorio calender
self.JD = self.JD + int(self.YY/400) - int(self.YY/100) + 2
if MM > 12:
MM = MM - 12
self.YY = self.YY + 1
self.JD = self.JD + HH/24 + MS/1440
self.ST = koseji(self.JD,self.long)*15 # ST degrees of sidereal time
self.Cent = (self.JD - 2415021.0)/36525 # epoch 1900 I.1 0.5
def Batch():
def update(event):
global LAT
global long
global ymd
global ST
global Cent
global YY
global JD
Dtime = gvl.D_time
Dtime = float(Dtime)
Ydate = gvl.Y_date
Ydate = float(Ydate)
long = gvl.LONG
long = float(long)
LAT = gvl.Lat
LAT = float(LAT)
tm = Time(Ydate, Dtime, long)
JD = tm.JD
ST = tm.ST
Cent = tm.Cent
YY = tm.YY
ymd = JDT(JD)
def Timeforward():
global ST
global JD
ymd[3] = ymd[3] + 1
ST = ST + 15
JD = JD + (1/24)
def Timeback():
global ST
global JD
ymd[3] = ymd[3] - 1
ST = ST - 15
JD = JD - (1/24)
def Dateforward():
global ST
global JD
ymd[2] = ymd[2] + 1
ST = ST + 1.002738
JD = JD + 1
def Dateback():
global ST
global JD
ymd[2] = ymd[2] - 1
ST = ST - 1.002738
JD = JD -1
class Application(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self,master = None):
master.title(u"Star Chart (archaeoastronomy version 2.4)")
self.c0 = tk.Canvas(master=None, width = 1200, height = 900, bg="#001766")
def create_widgets(self):
self.c0.create_oval(190, 40, 1010, 860, fill = 'black',outline = 'skyblue',width =1)
self.c0.create_text(600, 20, text="N", font=('', 18), fill="yellow")
self.c0.create_text(600, 880, text="S", font=('', 18), fill="yellow")
self.c0.create_text(170, 450, text="E", font=('', 18), fill="yellow")
self.c0.create_text(1030, 450, text="W", font=('', 18), fill="yellow")
self.c0.create_text(1065, 720, text=" 1 hour from the time of the day", font=('', 12), anchor='c', fill="white")
self.c0.create_text(1055, 785, text="1 day from the date", font=('', 12), anchor='c', fill='white')
self.c0.create_text(35, 820, text="Do it for 0 years in B.C. 1", font=('', 10), fill='white',
self.lb1 = tk.Label(text=u"Latitude & Longitude(S;Lat;-E;lon.+)",fg='white', bg="#001766", anchor='w',
font=('', 14)).place(x=850, y=30)
self.inputbox1 = tk.Entry(width=4, font=('', 14))
self.inputbox1.place(x=900, y=60)
self.inputbox1.insert(tk.END, "36.4")
self.inputbox1.bind("<KeyPress-Return>", update)
self.inputbox2 = tk.Entry(width=6, font=('', 14))
self.inputbox2.place(x=960, y=60)
self.inputbox2.insert(tk.END, "138.7")
self.inputbox2.bind("<KeyPress-Return>", update)
self.lb2 = tk.Label(text="Date(YYYYMMDD) Time(hhmm)", fg='white', bg="#001766", anchor='w',
font=('', 14)).place(x=900,y=95)
self.inputbox3 = tk.Entry(width=10, font=('', 14))
self.inputbox3.place(x=950, y=120)
self.inputbox3.insert(tk.END, "20350902")
self.inputbox3.bind("<KeyPress-Return>", update)
self.inputbox4 = tk.Entry(width=6, font=('', 14))
self.inputbox4.place(x=1080, y=120)
self.inputbox4.insert(tk.END, "1000")
self.inputbox4.bind("<KeyPress-Return>", update)
self.lb3 = tk.Label(text=u'input & Enter => Regenerate', width=22, font=('', 12), fg='#001766',
bg='skyblue').place(x=960, y=165)
self.Button1 = tk.Button(text=u'forward>>', command=Timeforward, width=10, font=('', 10)).place(x=1060, y=740)
self.Button2 = tk.Button(text=u'<<back', command=Timeback, width=10, font=('', 10)).place(x=960, y=740)
self.Button3 = tk.Button(text=u'forward>', command=Dateforward, width=10, font=('', 10)).place(x=1060, y=800)
self.Button4 = tk.Button(text=u'<back', command=Dateback, width=10, font=('', 10)).place(x=960, y=800)
def refresh(self): # regenerate
global img_moon # create_image
self.c0.create_oval(150, 1, 1050, 899, fill="#001766", outline="#001766")
self.c0.create_text(600, 20, text="N", font=('', 18), fill="yellow")
self.c0.create_text(600, 880, text="S", font=('', 18), fill="yellow")
self.c0.create_text(170, 450, text="E", font=('', 18), fill="yellow")
self.c0.create_text(1030, 450, text="W", font=('', 18), fill="yellow")
self.c0.create_oval(190, 40, 1010, 860, fill='black', outline='skyblue', width=1)
iDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
img_moon = tk.PhotoImage(file=iDir + '\moon-phase\m' + str(int(plt.luna_display())) + '.gif')
self.c0.create_image(170, 740, image=img_moon, anchor='sw')
if ymd[0] <= 0:
self.lb4 = tk.Label(text=f"B.C. {-ymd[0]} / {ymd[1]} / {ymd[2]} / local time {ymd[3]} ",
fg='white', bg="#001766", anchor='w', font=('', 14))
self.lb4 = tk.Label(text=f"A.D. {ymd[0]} / {ymd[1]} / {ymd[2]} / local time {ymd[3]} ",
fg='white', bg="#001766", anchor='w', font=('', 14))
self.lb4.place(x=30, y=25)
self.lb5 = tk.Label(text=f"Lat.= {LAT}° Long.= {long}°", fg='white', bg="#001766", anchor='w', font=('', 14))
self.lb5.place(x=30, y=60)
# self.c0.create_oval(185, 35, 1015, 865, fill='black', outline='skyblue', width=1)
self.lb6 = tk.Label(text=f"Julian day = {round(JD, 3)} day", fg='white', bg="#001766", anchor='w',
font=('', 10))
self.lb6.place(x=30, y=750)
self.lb7 = tk.Label(text=f"Sidereal time = {round(ST / 15, 1)} hour ", fg='white', bg="#001766", anchor='w',
font=('', 10))
self.lb7.place(x=30, y=780)
self.lb8 = tk.Label(text=f"moon age = {plt.luna_display()} ", fg='white', bg="#001766", anchor='w',
font=('', 12))
self.lb8.place(x=30, y=720)
def point_star(self, X, Y, dir, color):
self.c0.create_oval(X-dir, Y-dir, X+dir, Y+dir, fill = color)
def co_line(self, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, color):
self.c0.create_line(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, fill = color, smooth = "True")
def text_in(self, X, Y, name, color):
self.c0.create_text(X, Y, text = name, font = ('',8), fill = color)
def point_eclip(self, X, Y, dir, color):
self.c0.create_oval(X-dir, Y-dir, X+dir, Y+dir, outline = color, )
class Get_Value(Application):
def __init__(self,master=None):
self.Lat = 0
self.LONG = 0
self.Y_date = 0
self.D_time = 0
def getV(self):
self.Lat = self.inputbox1.get()
self.LONG = self.inputbox2.get()
self.Y_date = self.inputbox3.get()
self.D_time = self.inputbox4.get()
plt = Planetarium()
root = tk.Tk()
root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
app = Application(master=root) # tkinter(GUI)
gvl = Get_Value(master=root) # The acquisition of the setting change value
# Calcurate data and time
tm = Time(20350902, 1000, 138.7) # presetting data and time
JD = tm.JD
ST = tm.ST
Cent = tm.Cent
YY = tm.YY
long = tm.long # longitude
LAT = tm.LAT # latitude
ymd = JDT(JD)
if __name__ == '__main__':